The Truth About Melissa: A Soul Mate Experiment
Now Available Click below to watch a 50 second book trailer about The Truth About Melissa: A Soul Mate Experiment
It's Here!
The Truth About Melissa: A Soul Mate Experiment is now available. (Copyright 2018!)
Much of the past year has been spent on editing, rewriting, and self-educating on the publishing process, social media, promoting, marketing, and branding. Whew.
I am currently working on my second novel. Wait til you see The Truth About Victoria (working title). Oh, she is (what the British would refer to as) a canny lass. As my writer's club has deemed her, 'the woman we love to hate.'
Other articles within this site include tidbits of thoughts woven together from my experiences of traveling and teaching overseas, flash fiction pieces, future novel ideas, and random writings.
Thank you for sharing in my passion.
Lisa Mayme Corbit
Please visit my Facebook page:
And Twitter:
Instagram: lisamaymecorbit
The Truth About Melissa: A Soul Mate Experiment is now available. (Copyright 2018!)
Much of the past year has been spent on editing, rewriting, and self-educating on the publishing process, social media, promoting, marketing, and branding. Whew.
I am currently working on my second novel. Wait til you see The Truth About Victoria (working title). Oh, she is (what the British would refer to as) a canny lass. As my writer's club has deemed her, 'the woman we love to hate.'
Other articles within this site include tidbits of thoughts woven together from my experiences of traveling and teaching overseas, flash fiction pieces, future novel ideas, and random writings.
Thank you for sharing in my passion.
Lisa Mayme Corbit
Please visit my Facebook page:
And Twitter:
Instagram: lisamaymecorbit